Felix Gaudlitz, miart 2024
Tony Cokes, Hervé Guibert, Vera Lutz, Halvor Rønning, Nicole-Antonia Spagnola, Valentina Triet
miart 2024
Main Section
Booth B42
Halvor Rønning
TV, baug, gullalder
LNM (Landsforeningen norske malere)
Kongensgate 2
0153 Oslo
Halvor Rønning, Nikhil Vettukattil
Felix Gaudlitz
Werdertorgasse 4/ 2/ 13
1010 Vienna
Photos by
Røykeskur, 2023
Halvor Rønning
Inaugurated 14.3.2023
Shed for smoking, public commission for detoxification unit in Bjørgvin Prison, Bergen.
The shed is built by inmates undergoing apprenticeship to become carpenters.
Architect: Joakim Skajaa, Skajaa Arkitektkontor
Curator: Jenny Kinge
Advisors KORO (Norway's national body responsible for curating, producing and activating art in public space): Pernille Skar Nordby and Elisabeth Tetens Jahn
All images: Thor Brødreskift
Solo presentation, Felix Gaudlitz
Spark Art Fair,Vienna
March 25-27, 2022
photos by
Hordaland Kunstsenter
Klosteret 17, Bergen (NO)
November 27, 2021 - January 9, 2022
With contributions by: Attilia Fattori Franchini, Philipp Kleinmichel, Per-Oskar Leu, Tiffany Sia, Sabrina Tarasoff and Nikhil Vettukattil
Curated by: Mathijs van Geest
Hordaland Kunstsenter, Bergen
Video program
With works by Nikhil Vettukattil, Per-Oskar Leu and Tiffany Sia
In the project room on the second floor of Hordaland Kunstsenter, Per-Oskar Leu revisits the real life drama of German Marxist playwright Bertolt Brecht’s testimony before the House Un-American Activities Committee in 1947. Nikhil Vettukattil presents a deconstructed photo collage of images of industrial labour set to the repetitive rhythm of a hard techno soundtrack and Tiffany Sia’s essay film unravels a media trail around a single event from Hong Kong during the protests in 2019. Paced by a relentless voiceover, Sia’s work reckons with rumor, disinformation, and disappearance, drawing out ghostly forces and the occult. By curating this film program
under the umbrella of tragic storytelling, Halvor Rønning provides examples of how this methodology is adapted in our own time.
Excerpt from exhibition text, Avgang, Hordaland kunstsenter, Bergen 2021
Death of Closeness, 2021
246 pages, 12.6x19.0cm
Exhibition copy Avgang, Hordaland Kunstsenter, 2021
Edition of 50
Text contributions by Attilia Fattori Franchini, Sabrina Tarasoff and Philipp Kleinmichel
Co-published by Hordaland Kunstsenter, Bergen and saxpublishers, Vienna
Concept, design and algorithm by Fondazione Europa, Alexander Nussbaumer
The artists’s book Death of Closeness contains a compilation of texts especially written for this exhibition. They accompany a series of new, overpainted magazine cutouts combined with examples of Rønning’s works from the past 7 years. Each text sets apart Avgang in the subjects of tragedy, painting, death and comics. Attilia Fattori Franchini brings us into the inner workings of the tragic genre, and suggests a link to Halvor Rønning’s practice through a dialectic exchange between oppositional forces – inner and outer. Sabrina Tarasoff dives into what she calls the near emptiness of Halvor Rønning’s partially concealed images. She taps into a progressive malady, a slow degradation of perception and how pictures exhaust and are exhausted. Taking into consideration the social, political, and technological forces at work around painting, Philipp Kleinmichel’s text explores the cultural value of the medium after its declared death and apparent devaluation.
Excerpt from exhibition text, Avgang, Hordaland Kunstnsenter 2021
Paper Planes
Standard (Oslo)
Waldemar Thranes gate 86c, Oslo
June 18 - July 10, 2021
Knut Ivar Aaser, Kenneth Alme, Kåre Magnus Bergh, Lina Broström, Jinbin Chen, Anders Dahl Monsen, Unn Devik, Marius Engh, Gartnerfuglen Arkitekter, Jan Groth, Aslak Gurholt, Else Hagen, Kim Hiorthøy, Sigrún Hlín Sigurðardóttir, Ane Mette Hol, Olav Christopher Jenssen, Audar Kantun, Samrridhi Kukreja (Tuda Muda), Ane Kvåle, Solveig Lønseth, Bjørn Mortensen, Anders Nordby, Jonathan Nowell, Urd Pedersen, Charlie Roberts, Kaare Ruud, Halvor Rønning, Martin Sæther, Esther Saura Múzquiz, Tiril Schrøder, Calle Segelberg, Mari Slaattelid, Svallaug Svalastoga, Thorbjørn Sørensen, Arild Tveito, Triztan Vindtorn
Saksumdal Tempel
Saksumdalsvegen 1341, 2608 Lillehammer
Veronica Bruce & Karoline Bakken Lund
Ada Fessler
Goutam Ghosh
Stian Eide Kluge
Linda Lerseth
Halvor Rønning
Calle Segelberg
Lesia Vasylchenko
Nikhil Vettukattil
Curated by Linda Lerseth and Halvor Rønnning
Exhibition text by Goutam Ghosh
Knep og kunstgrep
Birkenstraße 92, Dusseldorf (DE)
December 12, 2020 - March 26, 2021
Exhibition text for Linda Lerseth
Podium, Oslo (NO)
June 19 - July 12 2020
"In recent years, Linda Lerseth has developed a collage-like sculptural practice characterized by a fine balance between elements of careful, planned procedures and decisions that appear to actively sabotage order. These counterproductive decisions consist of interrupting established methods of manufacturing, and forcing together representational elements which seem to repulse one another. Through her relentless commitment to communicate a spontaneous presence, Lerseth has become an artist who can be relied on for a consistent delivery of collapsed messages and fresh deception.
Lerseth’s work provides the willing crowd with the joy of processing. But in order to access the thrill of everlasting interpretation that she offers, there are a few preconditions that need to be in place. First, a capacity to take pleasure in a collapse in communication will come in handy. In other words, a high tolerance for inefficiency and the tendency to dwell in it. In fact, a slight masochistic delight in being interrupted will take you a long way. If, on top of that, you consider yourself as both pessimistic and optimistic, while being sympathetic to rash decisions, you are all set."
Click here to read the full exhibition text (PDF)
Click here to see Linda Lerseth's show and website
Interview in Vogue Germany by Moritz Gaudlitz, April 21, 2020
Hell, Recline
Werdertorgasse 4/2/13, Vienna (AT)
7.12.2019 - 25.1.2020
Opening: 6.12.2019, 18:00 - 21:00
Press release (PDF)
Photos by
Halvor Rønning
I Would Button up My T-shirt if I Could, 2018
Artist's Book published by Teknisk Industri, Oslo (NO)
204 pages , 320 x 236 x 22 mm
4 color offset print, 750 ex
142 color plates, essays by Hanna Magauer (German/ English) and Steinar Sekkingstad (Norwegian/ English)
Graphic design by FONDAZIONE Europa, Alexander Nussbaumer with Benjamin Zivota
Edited by Petter Snare
Book launch:
Friday 19 October 2018, 7-9pm
SCHLOSS, Kirkegårdsgata 14, Oslo
Purchase here
Photos by Thor Brødreskift
Når himmelen klarner
CCA Andratx
C/ Estanyera 2, Mallorca (ES)
Kenneth Alme, Are Blytt, Lina Viste Grønli, Halvor Rønning, Camilla Steinum
Group exhibition curated by Are Blytt
Das Slog
Lucas Hirsch
Birkenstrasse 92, Düsseldorf (DE)
July 1 - August 11, 2017
Opening: June 30, 7–9 pm
Stopwatch, Mayonnaise, Bible
Tag Team Studio
Møllendalsveien 17, Bergen (NO)
Dec 09 - Dec 16, 2016
Exhibition text by Philipp Kleinmichel (PDF)
Photos by Thor Brødreskift
Jenny Say Qua
Rogaland Kunstsenter
Nytorget 17, Stavanger (NO)
September 1st - October 23rd, 2016
Anna-Sophie Berger (AT), Christophe Hamaide-Pierson (FR), Martyn Reynolds (NZ) and Halvor Rønning (NO)
Group show curated by Geir Haraldseth (NO)
More images